Wednesday, June 21, 2017

What is the Meridian System?

What is the Meridian System?
   Chinese medicine believes there is a distribution network for the fundamental substances of Qi
(pronounced chee), Blood and Body Fluids throughout the body. (These fundamental substances are different from the common western understandings of these terms, and their concepts are important for maintaining health using Chinese medicine.) This distribution network called the Meridian System 
     looks like a giant web, linking different areas of our body together. Its pathways make up a comprehensive yet complex body map that supplies vital energy to every part of the body. Philosophically, the Meridian System explains how we live, and why we become sick. 

     By connecting and uniting different parts of our body, meridians provide the transport service for the fundamental substances of qi, blood, and body fluids. The flow of qi in the Meridian System concentrates or "injects" in certain areas of the skin's surface. These areas are very small points, otherwise known as "acupuncture points". Although acupuncture points are located externally and superficially, they can affect the internal functions of our body. There are 365 acupuncture points, and each point belongs to a particular meridian channel that connects to specific organs. 

Meridian Massage
Meridian Massage  simply means stimulating the acupressure points using various techniques to helps us clear any blockage and balance the flow of qi & blood in the meridians, thereby, alleviating common health problems and also achieving Total Wellness for our body and prevent us from falling sick easily.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Leg Tai Yin Spleen Meridian


Disharmony of the Spleen Meridian is related to spleen dysfunction. According to TCM, the spleen is responsible for the transformation and transportation of different substances, and is the foundation of our after-birth existence. Spleen function is essential in maintaining the digestive power of the body and transforming food into qi and blood. If the Spleen Meridian does not function properly, qi cannot be efficiently transported to the spleen. As a result, symptoms like abdominal distention, loose stools, diarrhea, epigastric pain, flatulence and a heavy sensation in the body occur. In addition, symptoms such as pain at the root of the tongue, swelling of the inner side of the lower limb may also indicate disharmony of the Spleen Meridian.

Main indications: 

Acupuncture points in this meridian are indicated for peptic, gynecological and genital diseases. They are also indicated for symptoms along the meridian.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

足阳明胃经(Stomach Meridian)脾经(Spleen Meridian)

    胃经叫足阳明胃经,女性到了35岁,阳明经的气血就开始不足了,就开始表现脸上有皱纹,色衰, 护胃有美容效果,乳腺增生可以通过胃经调理。




Tuesday, March 7, 2017

手太陽小肠经(Small Intestine Meridian) ,手少陰心经(Heart Merdian)

小肠经沿小指外侧,沿手臂外侧向上走到肩部 到颧骨 眼角外侧。脖子硬的人小肠有问题。


 小肠经易堵点一:后溪穴 握空拳 放松后溪穴在第五掌指关节向腕部一点这个涡。抵住骨头向回勒,这样你就能发上力了。用食指轻轻点揉。小肠经有寒的话,这里会有强烈的痛感。如果没有痛感,问题可能在上面。

 小肠经易堵点二:天宗穴 肩胛骨后面有一个突起叫肩胛冈,在肩胛冈下面2-3厘米处,在肩胛骨的涡处。在天宗穴拔罐是去小肠经寒的最好的方法。

 心经和心包经的区别:心包经指实体的心脏 , 心经指心气 心结。


敬礼姿态 捻揉蝴蝶袖,每侧5分钟


Monday, March 6, 2017

足厥陰肝经(Liver Meridian) ,足少陽胆经(Gallbladder Meridian)

肝经起于大脚趾,沿着大脚趾和二脚趾的交叉的地方向上到踝关节,到大腿内侧。晚上坐在床上, 两个脚并拢,大腿内侧会绷起来两根经,就是肝经的走行。环绕阴器,走到腹腔,走到乳头下面。
太冲穴是肝经的一个出口。当我们把它揉好后, 情绪可以得到释放和放松。
太冲穴:在脚面最高点,下面是大脚趾和二脚趾分叉的地方, 往上延伸到最高点下面一点点。


疏通胆经一:敲打风市穴,立正, 双手自然下垂, 放到大腿外侧, 手中指尖的点就是胆经最容易受寒的那个点。
疏通胆经二:按揉临泣穴, 临泣穴在第四和第五脚趾分叉处。

Sunday, March 5, 2017

手厥陰心包经(Pericardium Meridian) , 手少陽三焦经(Sanjiao Meridian)


       有一種說法,順著經絡循行的方向按摩為補,逆向則為泄,按摩心包經的目的在於排除經絡中過多的垃圾,因此為泄 。心包經在手臂內側的中心線上,按摩從中沖穴開始,依序為勞宮、大陵、內關、間使、郄門、曲澤、天泉、天池等九個穴位。

      三焦經在手臂上和心包經是對稱的。心包經和三焦經是表裡關係,心包經在裡面, 手少阳三焦经起始于第四指(无名指,小指次指)之末端,上行出于第四 、五掌骨之间,沿手背到达腕关节背部,再向上行于前臂外侧尺桡骨(臂外两骨)之间,穿过肘关节部,沿上臂外侧上行至肩关节部,与足少阳胆经交叉走其后面,进入锁骨上窝(缺盆),散布于胸腔之中部(膻中),散络于心包,下行穿过膈肌,从胸至腹属于上、中、下三焦本腑。


Saturday, March 4, 2017

十二經絡 Twelve Main Meridians

十二經絡:Twelve Main Meridians

手太陰肺經  Lung Meridian (3:00-5:00);
手陽明大腸經 Large Intestine Meridian (5:00-7:00);
足陽明胃經 Stomach Meridian (7:00-9:00);
足太陰脾經 Spleen Meridian (9:00-11:00);
手少陰心經 Heart Meridian (11:00-13:00);
手太陽小腸經 Small Intestine Meridian (13:00-15:00);
足太陽膀胱經 Bladder Meridian (15:00-17:00);
足少陽腎經 Kidney Meridian (17:00-19:00);
手厥陰心包經 Pericardium Meridian  (19:00-21:00);
手少陽三焦經 Sanjiao Meridian (21:00-23:00);
足少陽膽經 Gallbladder Meridian (23:00-1:00);
足厥陰肝經 Liver Meridian (1:00-3:00)


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

常給三陰交穴拔罐 大補精血



Saturday, January 14, 2017

What is Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic drainage is the natural function of the lymphatic system, which is an essential part of immunity. If this function isn't working properly, it can cause a build-up of fluid in tissues as well as more serious medical problems like lymphagitis and lymphoma. Though most of the conditions caused by poor lymphatic drainage are treatable, some require prompt hospitalization and immediate medical care, since they can easily spread throughout the body. There is also a type of therapeutic massage called Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (LDT) to help this system work and to treat some of the conditions associated with the lymphatic system.

Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is made up of a network of thin tubes that run throughout the body called lymph vessels and oval-shaped organs called lymph nodes, which collect and filter lymph. As blood flows throughout the body, a thin, yellow fluid called plasma leaks out from blood vessels and mixes with interstitial fluid and water to surround the cells in different tissues. This mixture contains food for the cells, blood cells that are important for immunity, and also waste put out by the cells. It drains into the lymph vessels, after which it is called lymph, and is then transported to lymph nodes, which contain immune cells. Since the lymphatic system doesn't have any way to move the fluid on its own, it relies on the movement from muscles in the body to push the fluid along, and valves to keep the fluid going in the right direction.

Once in the lymph nodes, the fluid is filtered, any disease-causing organisms are killed. Other organs that work with this system include the spleen, which takes out dead or damaged red blood cells and contains white blood cells to fight disease, and the thymus, which produces more white blood cells. The tonsils and adenoids also work with this system and protect the digestive system and respiratory system specifically.

Problems with Lymphatic Drainage

Since the lymphatic system plays such an important part in immunity, problems with lymphatic drainage can cause very serious health conditions. When lymph vessels or nodes are damaged or missing, the fluid cannot move quickly away from an area of the body. This causes it to pool up in the surrounding body tissue, causing it to swell. This is called lymphedema. If the fluid remains in the tissue for a long period of time, it can prevent the transportation of oxygen from the bloodstream to the tissue's cells and interfere with wound healing.

If the swelling is not treated, it can lead to the hardening of muscle tissue, skin deterioration, a loss of movement in the area, and in some cases, a bacterial infection called lymphagitis. This condition causes the lymph vessels to become swollen, inflamed, and painful, and red lines may appear along the skin above the vessels. It requires immediate medical attention to keep it from spreading throughout the body, and is generally treated with painkillers, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory medications.

People with severely compromised lymphatic drainage may also have lymphoma, a type of cancer. There are about 40 different types of this cancer, which are generally divided into Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. People with this condition are typically more prone to infections than others, since their immune system is compromised, and may also have headaches, night sweats, and unexplained weight loss. It's important to treat this condition quickly, since it can easily spread throughout the system and become fatal. Treatment generally consists of chemotherapy or radiation.

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy

LDT consists of specific movements that are used to lightly push lymph through the system, helping it to drain out of the tissues and move throughout the body. This treatment is commonly used to help with lymphedema, which can be caused by heart problems, wearing tight-fitting clothing, and injuries like sprains and fractures. It also sometimes happens a side effect of chemotherapy treatments and surgeries done to remove breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer. During an LDT session, a massage therapist gently presses and moves his or her hands along the body in specified directions. For instance, if a person's arms and legs are swollen, then the massage therapist may rub both sides of his or her neck with a downward motion.

Though this treatment can be very helpful, it's generally not suitable for people with certain types of cancer, since it could encourage the cancer to spread throughout the body; as well as those with serious heart disease or circulatory problems, serious infections, or internal bleeding. Some massage therapists still do lymphatic drainage with people with these conditions, but may only work with one part of the body instead of all of it. This treatment is generally used together with other treatments, like exercising to promote circulation, compression therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs, and ice packs. People can also learn to do it at home, but should only be trained by a medical massage therapist and should only do it after speaking to a healthcare provider to prevent any complications.


What is cupping

Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which a therapist puts special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create suction. People get it for many purposes, including to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well-being, and as a type of deep-tissue massage.
Cupping therapy might be trendy now, but it’s not new. It dates back to ancient Egyptian, Chinese, and Middle Eastern cultures. One of the oldest medical textbooks in the world, the Ebers Papyrus, describes how the ancient Egyptians used cupping therapy in 1,550 B

The most common and misunderstanding regarding one of the most powerful and beneficial after effects of cupping is the marks that are left on the skin. Cupping can leave marks which indicate that the stagnation or disease has been moved from the deeper tissue layers to the surface, allowing fresh oxygenated blood to nourish and heal the underlying areas. Any suction device left long enough in one place will loosen and pull this agent out and up to the skin surface.
In many countries this is a non-issue, they’ve experienced themselves the amazing detoxifying effects that suction therapy can provide. But in some industrialized countries, where Allopathic Medicine has over shadowed more holistic, natural approaches, these surface discolorations are misinterpreted as damage rather the result of debilitating agents being drawn to the surface. People don’t look upon these marks as a healing process or the importance of the after effect they just see circular markings, but once people understand what these marks are, the colour the patterns of the marks depending on the level of stagnation in that area, the range of colour from the marks can vary from bright red to dark purple, usually lasting up to 3 days to one week sometimes longer if the person is very sick or sedentary. If there is no stagnation present, there will be only a light pink mark which disappears in a few minutes to a couple of hours. Where there is old trauma or injury may require multiple cupping treatments to remove all stagnation. You will find in follow up treatments the marks will be visibly lighter and lighter as the pathogens are systemically removed from the body.
Now in the twenty first century alternative therapies are becoming more popular, cupping therapy is now receiving additional credit and the world of medince are recognizing that alternative therapies do have great beneficial to our health. More people are turning back to the beginning to find alternative healing. People are now looking for more choices, other than drugs, their wonting something none invasive, calming, and relaxing. Cupping has developed into a very popular technique. By what we see and read through the media, papers and magazines, especially in America,

Victoria Beckham was photographed with cupping marks on her back; Victoria had purple patches running down her spine as she arrived at Heathrow Airport.

Denise Richards was also photographed with cupping marks, the 39-year-old model and actress showed of her treatment on her back as she was pictured in Malibu.

Gwyneth Paltrow appeared at a film premiere with her cupping marks on her back.

Olympic swimmer Wang Qun hoping her marks would lead her to a place on the medal podium.

Stephanie Rice the Australian swimmer who won gold medals in the Olympic showed her marks of cupping therapy.

Source: ICS BY Sharon Bairm.d